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Online learning & Covid-19

In response to the current Covid-19 Lockdown, online learning for pupils of St Joseph’s Marist College will commence on 14 April via the St Joseph’s portal. Although this has been a time of school holidays, the teachers have been very busy preparing online content for their Google classrooms. The transition has been aided by the fact that all staff underwent intensive Google training over the course of a year and are thus fully equipped with the skills to provide a meaningful experience utilising G-Suite for Education.

We are mindful of data usage and therefore we will be utilising a mixed approach of interaction via written communication on the Classroom, voice notes and some video content. In the Junior School, the children, guided by their teachers, will work in their booklets or books, with access to their teacher on Classroom to ask questions as they work throughout the school day. In the Senior School, much work will be completed using the technology available i.e. phone, tablet, laptop or Chrome Books and following their usual weekly timetable with their teachers.

Google Classroom

Contact your teacher for the Google Classroom portal link.

How to navigate Classroom below.